11th-17th November 2024

I recently read the following words attributed to Thomas Brookes, a puritan preacher born in 1608, and was deeply challenged by the relevancy and importance of his view on prayer within a family. He said, ‘A family without prayer is like a house without a roof, open and exposed to the storms of heaven’. It coincided with my reading of Ephesians and the importance of putting on the full armour of God so that we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes. The reminder that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, as we often think it is, but rather against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
The idea of being exposed, of not being protected, was what really impacted me. I wonder do we ever consider how vulnerable we are in this world when it comes to our faith and witness. When I think about my family, whether it is caring for elderly parents or supporting my children and grandchildren, I am exercised to pray for them as a means of asking for protection from the spiritual forces of evil, protection from the devil who would love to rob them of joy, relationship, faith and hope. I suppose, simply put, I pray for a protective roof above their heads and for them to put on the armour of God so that they are able to withstand the reality of living a life as followers of Jesus in this world.
Praying for those closest to us is so important!
I have always been humbled by my memories of being taught to pray by my mum and dad. As a young child my parents prayed consistently for me and, as I grew, they knelt beside me and prayed with me before I got into bed to go to sleep. Those memories continue to impact me and influence me and I am so thankful for the consistent prayers of my parents for me and, over the years, for my wife and children, their spouses and now the great grandchildren.
I know that they pray for my family daily and as they have enjoyed the twilight years of life this has become a beautiful daily pattern, to spend time together each day praying for their family. Over the past year that has become more challenging for them with dad’s health and recent move to a care home, but mum continues to pray and seek God’s protection for the wider family.
With these reflections running around in my mind I thought it would be helpful that, over the course of this week, we take the time to do this in our own family situations. Praying for our parents, kids, relatives and ourselves. We all have family and yes, all our families are different and the circumstances within each family are different. Some families are close, some families are broken. To some extent, if we are honest, we all live with a level of dysfunction in our families because we are all flawed individuals. Wherever you see yourself in relation to your family, can I encourage you to bring them to God in prayer this week and pray into their lives and situations, asking God to do immeasurably more than you could ever think or ask within your family circle.
Written by David Mairs
Honour your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12
Take time to pray for your parents. Ask God to bless them and protect them. Pray that people who encounter them would treat them with honour, dignity and respect. Pray that they would be a positive impact on those they meet. If you no longer have your parents, take time to thank God for their input and influence in your life. If you are estranged or have had a difficult parental relationship, then ask God for restoration and healing.
Take time to pray for your children, nephews, nieces, the children of your friends. Ask God to speak into their lives and reveal the truth of who he is to them. Pray for their salvation. Pray that they would have a long life and be men or women of positive influence, full of integrity and love. Pray that you may be a role model/example to them of what it means to love the Lord and follow him.
Take time to pray for yourself. Ask God to enable you to see your parents the same way that he sees them and love them the way he loves them. Ask God to enable you to honour them and care for them as they grow older.
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39
Take time to pray for your parents. If your parents do not know Jesus personally ask the Lord to reveal the truth of who he is to them and to save them. Ask God to give your parents a hunger and a desire to seek after him. Pray that your parents may be people of prayer and people of the Word of God.
Take time to pray for your children, nephews, nieces, the children of your friends. Pray that they would be open to the voice of God in their lives and they would grow up to have a personal faith in Jesus. Pray that God’s word would be real and vibrant in their lives and that they would seek him first in all things. Pray that they would love others as God loves them.
Take time to pray for yourself. Ask God to give you a heart full of love for him. Ask him to help you guard your heart and find time each day to commune with him.
If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; Psalm 91:9-11
Take time to pray for your parents. Ask God to send his angels to watch over your parents and protect them in these days. Ask God to give them good health physically, mentally and spiritually. If your parents are struggling with health issues, then bring these to the Lord and ask him to presence himself with them and assure them of his love.
Take time to pray for your children, nephews, nieces, the children of your friends. Pray for their protection – physical, mental and spiritual. Pray that they would know and stay close to Jesus, making wise decisions as they grow up. Pray that they would know God’s love and presence in their lives and they would have a sense of security and strength as they find their true identity in him.
Take time to pray for yourself. Ask God to be with you and to protect you everywhere you go and in everything you do. Ask God to give you wisdom and understanding as you support your family. Pray that you may find strength and patience for each day knowing God’s presence is with you.
And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19
Take time to pray for your parents. Ask God to give them wisdom to be good stewards of the resources he has provided for them. Pray that they would know God’s provision at a spiritual level and be content with the resources that he has given them. Pray that they would know God’s will and purpose in their lives.
Take time to pray for your children, nephews, nieces, the children of your friends. Pray that they would recognise the importance of loving God more than material things. Pray that they would hold on to God tightly as they grow up and hold on lightly to the temporal things of this world. Pray that they would understand the importance of trusting God and using all of their abilities, gifts and resources for his glory.
Take time to pray for yourself. Ask God to help you steward your resources well and to give you the ability to impact the lives of your family and others with all that he has given you.
… that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. John 17:21
Take time to pray for your parents. Pray that all your parents’ relationships would be godly and harmonious. Pray that they would have a spirit of reconciliation when relationships are difficult. Pray that they would speak words of healing and love into each other’s lives and into the lives of all others that they meet. Pray that their lives would be a witness to others … if they do not yet know the Lord, pray again for their salvation.
Take time to pray for your children, nephews, nieces, the children of your friends. Ask God to give them good friendships that will last a lifetime. Ask God to enable them to be a good friend to others. Ask God to protect them from bad influences and the wrong type of friendships.
Take time to pray for yourself. Ask God to help you forgive those that have hurt you and to restore broken relationships. Ask God to give you a spirit of humility, kindness, love and encouragement that draws people to him because of your character and witness.
Be very careful, then, how you live not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
Take time to pray for your parents. Pray that they would use their time wisely, pray that they would remain occupied, useful and fully engaged in life, especially as they start to grow older. Pray that they would always be a good influence within the family.
Take time to pray for your children, nephews, nieces, the children of your friends. Pray that they would value the importance of time and not waste it. Pray that they would develop healthy hobbies that benefit them and others. Pray that they would make the most of their opportunities for education and that they would find and grow into their chosen careers.
Take time to pray for yourself. Ask God to help you seek him first every day and that he would give you the strength you need for the tasks that lie ahead today. Pray that you would also get the balance of life right and allow time for rest in the midst of your busyness.
… as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labour in vain. Philippians 2:16
Take time to pray for your parents. For those that know the Lord, pray that they would stand firm in their faith and be good role models to their children and grandchildren. For those that do not know the Lord, pray that their hearts would be softened and that they would come to faith and their love and compassion for their family would be an ongoing positive influence. If your relationship with your parents is difficult ask God to heal wounds and bring restoration.
Take time to pray for your children, nephews, nieces, the children of your friends. Pray that they would know God’s calling and purpose in their lives from a young age. Pray, whether they end up single or married, that their lives would be influential in the relationships they have. Pray that they will have big hearts for people and for the world. Pray that they will develop an interest in the work of God around the world.
Take time to pray for yourself. Pray that you would know and understand God’s call on your life. Pray that you would be a positive influence in your family and friendship circles. Ask God to help you put him first in all things and that he would use you to impact others for him.